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The meaning of double curly braces (`{{ ... }}`) in LaTex?

While compiling sources for my thesis, I noticed that in a *.bib file, the title was written using {{Insert title here}} and copied this in my *.tex file: \section{Recognizing {{Human Daily Activities From Accelerometer Signal}} ... }.

I wondered what it would do. After compiling, I saw no difference. Then, I tried using only a single curly brace, e.g., {Insert title here}, and this also showed no difference.

On documentation, I could not really find any ruling about this in LaTex. Does anyone know what they signify? Do they have something to do with non-breaking spaces? Line breaks?

Thanks :)

I only checked the results using my own two eyes. So maybe there is a difference in the pdf or the characters itself.

Neither the double nor the single brackets did anything for me.


  • Double curly braces don't have any special meaning in LaTeX; it's just single curly braces nested twice. As for what curly braces themselves mean, see