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Why is there a wrong last digit in the calculation of a BigFloat number?

I write a simple code in Julia language:

a = BigFloat("10", precision=400)^(-10)

The output is:


As you can see, there is a "3" after all zeros, and this is an error.
Is this a natural issue with BigFloat types, or is it one thing with the Julia way to do calculations?

I have been reading the documentation, but did not find anything there.

the test was made on site: replit/julia


  • It doesn't matter what precision you set, it's nothing wrong with BigFloat, nor with Julia. Binary floats cannot represent 0.1 (or 0.01, 0.001, etc.) exactly. If you try a regular Float64 value, you get

    julia> BigFloat(0.1)

    For a properly constructed BigFloat, it is better:

    julia> BigFloat("0.1")
    julia> BigFloat("0.1"; precision=1000)

    And this never ends, not even for precision=16000, or precision=16000000.

    If you look at the bitstring of 0.1, you can see the pattern

    julia> bitstring(0.1)

    Binary fractional values must always be a expressible as a sum


    where each b[n] is either zero or one. To get 0.1 exactly right, you need to repeat the pattern 1100110011001100..., forever, so you need a vector b that is infinitely long.