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DocuSign EmbedClickwrap.cs -- gets error -- Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0

Thank you for your assistance.

I’m an experienced programmer working with C# for about 5 years. Currently I am getting deeper into API work. The current project is a console proof of concept test solution for an API call to DocuSign’s embed an elastic template functionality. I have a DocuSign developer account with an application, integration, and elastic template setup for use with the below. Ids, secrets, keys, etc., and the impersonation permission grant was successfully done.

I have followed the examples in DocuSign’s developer support information on their website and in GitHub. I have double/triple checked what I coded against the examples. I do not see where this error is coming from or how to resolve it.

I checked the other occurrences of this error, but none seemed to use the newer DocuSign.Click NuGet packages.

What am I missing here?


  • Visual Studio Community Edition 2022, fully updated.
  • NuGet packages:
    • DocuSign.Click 1.3.0
    • NewtonSoft.Json 13.0.2

The error occurs in-- “CallClickAPI(clickAccountApi, accountId, clickwrapId, userAgreementRequest)”

When this line is executed— “ApiResponse<UserAgreementResponse> response = clickAccountApi.CreateHasAgreedWithHttpInfo( accountId, clickwrapId, userAgreementRequest);”


  • Pre run build successful
  • Set breakpoint at call to CallClickAPI() method.
  • Set breakpoint at Console.WriteLine at end of Main().
  • Start debug run.
  • Solution successfully receives the access-token.
  • Run stops at the first break point.
  • Step into till “clickAccountAPi…” is executed.
  • Error occurs.

DocuSign.Click.Client.ApiException HResult=0x80131500 Message=Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0. Source=DocuSign.Click StackTrace: at DocuSign.Click.Client.DocuSignClient.Deserialize(DocuSignResponse response, Type type) at DocuSign.Click.Api.AccountsApi.<CreateHasAgreedAsyncWithHttpInfo>d__25.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at DocuSign.Click.Api.AccountsApi.CreateHasAgreedWithHttpInfo(String accountId, String clickwrapId, UserAgreementRequest userAgreementRequest) at DocuSignConsoleTester.Program.CallClickAPI(AccountsApi clickAccountApi, String accountId, String clickwrapId, UserAgreementRequest userAgreementRequest) in C:\T\repos\DocuSignConsoleTester\DocuSignConsoleTester\Program.cs:line 87 at DocuSignConsoleTester.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\T\repos\DocuSignConsoleTester\DocuSignConsoleTester\Program.cs:line 37

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DocuSign.Click.Api;
using DocuSign.Click.Client;
using DocuSign.Click.Model;
using DocuSign.Click.Client.Auth;

namespace DocuSignConsoleTester
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string clientId = "xx...xx";
            string userId = "xx...xx";
            string accountId = "xx...xx";
            string authServer = ""; // for demo environment
            string base_path = ""; // for demo environment
            string fullName = "xyz";
            string email = "";
            string company = "xyz at Universe End";
            string title = "xyuz Proprietor ";
            string clickwrapId = "xx...xx";
            DateTime date = DateTime.Now;

            string access_token = GetJwtToken(clientId, userId, accountId, authServer);

            Console.WriteLine("Acess_Token: [" + access_token + "]");

            AccountsApi clickAccountApi = BuildHeader(base_path, access_token);

            UserAgreementRequest userAgreementRequest = BuildUpdateClickwrapHasAgreedRequest( fullName, email, company, title, date);

            ApiResponse<UserAgreementResponse> response = CallClickAPI(clickAccountApi, accountId, clickwrapId, userAgreementRequest);

            Console.WriteLine(" End of test run ");


        public static string GetJwtToken(string clientId, string userId, string accountId, string authServer)
            string oauthBasePath = authServer;
            int expiresInHours = 1;

            //List<string> scopes = new List<string>() { "signature" };
            //List<string> scopes = new List<string>() { "impersonation" };
            List<string> scopes = new List<string>() { "signature impersonation" };
            DocuSignClient dsClient = new DocuSignClient(authServer);
            string rsaKeyBase64 = @"xx...xx==";
            var rsaKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(rsaKeyBase64);
            OAuth.OAuthToken token = dsClient.RequestJWTUserToken(clientId, userId, oauthBasePath, rsaKeyBytes, expiresInHours, scopes);

            return token.access_token.ToString();

        public static AccountsApi BuildHeader(string basePath, string accessToken)
            var apiClient = new DocuSignClient(basePath);
            apiClient.Configuration.DefaultHeader.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
            var clickAccountApi = new AccountsApi(apiClient);

            return clickAccountApi;

        public static UserAgreementRequest BuildUpdateClickwrapHasAgreedRequest(string fullName, string email, string company, string title, DateTime date)
            var userAgreementRequest = new UserAgreementRequest { DocumentData = new Dictionary<string, string>() };
            userAgreementRequest.DocumentData.Add("fullName", fullName);
            userAgreementRequest.DocumentData.Add("email", email);
            userAgreementRequest.DocumentData.Add("company", company);
            userAgreementRequest.DocumentData.Add("title", title);
            userAgreementRequest.DocumentData.Add("date", date.ToString());
            userAgreementRequest.ClientUserId = email;

            return userAgreementRequest;

        public static ApiResponse<UserAgreementResponse> CallClickAPI(AccountsApi clickAccountApi, string accountId, string clickwrapId, UserAgreementRequest userAgreementRequest)
            ApiResponse<UserAgreementResponse> response = clickAccountApi.CreateHasAgreedWithHttpInfo(accountId, clickwrapId, userAgreementRequest);
            if (response.StatusCode == 201)
                //return response.Data;
                return response;
                response.Data.AgreementUrl = "Already Agreed";
                return response;




I did the above debug run. I was expecting it to return the response information; which would contain the embed URL amongst other information.


  • The issue is your base_path

    string base_path = ""

    This is wrong, should be instead

    string base_path = ""