I'm using regex to split a string with a specific format but I'm still missing one number.
The string format is like this: "22TKL;33TKL;22FBL;35TKL". I'd like to receive as output pairs containing number and substrings like: (22, TKL), (33, TKL), (22, FBL), (35, TKL).
Using regex101 to create the expression, I came up with this: "[^;]+([0-9]+)([a-zA-z]+)". And according to regex101, the grouping is like this:
So, I'm unable to match the first number and don't know how to solve this.
Just ([0-9]+)([a-zA-z]+)
works fine
It didnt work for you since [^;]+
consumed the number, cause the number is a charcter thats not ;
Alternatively, if you do need this check, you can use this
The ?
I added makes it a lazy quantifier, meaning it consumes as few characters as it can, thus not matching the first digit if it doesn't have to