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Select and play a video in Access using a Subform

I am working on a DB that links users to training videos.

The primary Form "2_CCC" has the Windows media player plugin. That works.

The Subform has all the video files.

The issue is that I can't pass the address from the Subform to the media player. The address is stored in a TextBox called "Video."

Public Sub PlaybButton_Click()

Dim videoaddress As String

videoaddress = Forms![2_CCC]![2_CCC_Subform].Form![Video]

Forms![2_CCC]!WMP.URL = videoaddress 

End Sub

I get

Automation error.

I redid the code:

Public Sub PlaybButton_Click()

Forms![2_CCC]!WMP.URL = Forms![2_CCC]![2_CCC_Subform].Form![Video]

End Sub

If I put the file path directly in the code, it works.

I thought it might be an issue with not passing into the primary Form.

I added a TextBox to the primary form called "VideoSelect"

Public Sub PlaybButton_Click()

Dim videoaddress As String

videoaddress = Forms![2_CCC]![2_CCC_Subform].Form![Video]

Forms![2_CCC]!WMP.URL = videoaddress 

End Sub

I get a new error

You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property.

I did a MsgBox to see what VideoSelect displays, and it is showing the correct file address.


  • So the issue is that the quotation marks from the file pathway were causing an issue with the WMP player.

    So I just added a step to remove those.

    The code is now quite simple and works 100% of the time.

    Forms![2_CCC}!WMP.URL = Replace(Forms![2_CCC]![2_CCC_Subform].Form![Video],"""","")