Why do I make a loop I don't get : Cell_num_1 Cell_num_3 Cell_num_5 Cell_num_7
i get always "Cell_num_8"
Admin = {
"Cell_num_1": "NaN",
"Cell_num_2": 987654321,
"Cell_num_3": "NaN",
"Cell_num_4": 123456789,
"Cell_num_5": "NaN",
"Cell_num_6": 987654321,
"Cell_num_7": "NaN",
"Cell_num_8": 123456789,
for values in Admin.values():
if values =="NaN":
print (keys)
Since you are only looping through values, you can not access the keys in dictionary. Try the following:
for key,value in Admin.items():
if value == "NaN":