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How to return a type that mapped to variadic position

I'm enjoying learning about meta-programming, and started find out about some features, I can't make the call to at works which takes an index to return a type that mapped to varidiac position.

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

template <typename...>
struct type_list {};

template<typename T ,typename... Ns>
auto pop_front(type_list<T, Ns...> t) {
    return type_list<Ns...>{};

template<typename T ,typename... Ns>
auto front(type_list<T, Ns...> t) 
    return type_list<T>{};

template<typename T ,typename... Ns>
auto at(type_list<T, Ns...> t, size_t i)
    if (i) return at(pop_front(t), i-1);
    return front(t);

int main()
    type_list<int, bool, float> x;


  • If we move the index into the template paramters so that it becomes a compile time constant then we can leverage std::tuple_element to get the type at the supplied index like

    template<size_t Idx, typename... Ts>
    auto at(type_list<Ts...>)
        return std::tuple_element_t<Idx, std::tuple<Ts...>>{};

    and then we can call it like


    It should be noted that this approach requires all types in the list to be default constructible.

    If you are only ever going to use at in a context like decltype(at<2>(x)) then you actually don't need to define the function and can instead use what I call a "meta function" like

    template<size_t Idx, typename... Ts>
    auto at(type_list<Ts...>t) -> std::tuple_element_t<Idx, std::tuple<Ts...>>;

    and now you can't run this function, but you can use it an any unevaluated context, like in decltype(at<2>(x)), and the types in the list do not need to be default constructible.