I have this piece of Dart code used in a Flutter app. It's using the flutter_bloc library.
icon: BlocBuilder<SongsBloc, SongsState>(
builder: (context, state) {
var songSelected = context
return songSelected
? FontAwesomeIcons.circleCheck
: FontAwesomeIcons.circle;
Here, icon
is IconData?
. The idea is to update the icon on song selection change. But I get the following error message.
The argument of type 'BlocBuilder<SongsBloc, SongsState>' cannot be assigned to the parameter of type 'IconData?'
From the code above BlocBuilder
returns IconData
, therefore the error is not expected.
What am I missing or doing wrong?
Getting data inside method.
final currentState = BlocProvider.of<SongsBloc>(context).state
//if you have multiple state check here with `state is StateA`
bool songSelected = currentState.getSongById(widget.song.id!).selected??false;
final icon = songSelected ? FontAwesomeIcons.circleCheck : FontAwesomeIcons.circle;
// now iuse this `icon` on params.
For widget case,You can use BlocBuilder
on top of this widget.
BlocBuilder<SongsBloc, SongsState>(
builder: (context, state) {
var songSelected = state.getSongById(widget.song.id!).selected??false;
return Icon( songSelected
? FontAwesomeIcons.circleCheck
: FontAwesomeIcons.circle);