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How do I make AWS validate my cross-account subdomain certificate?

In AWS account X, I already have a hosted zone and a valid certificate for my domain, In AWS account Y, I would like to create a subdomain and create a certificate for that subdomain.

In account Y I requested a certificate for (also covering * I created a hosted zone for and added a CNAME record to that hosted zone based on the newly requested certificate.

Finally, in my original hosted zone in account X, I created an NS record for and copied over the name servers from the hosted zone in account Y.

My certificate request is still pending validation. Is there a step I have missed which is needed to make AWS validate the certificate?

EDIT: additionally, when I do nslookup, I get server can't find NXDOMAIN. (nslookup works for the root domain.) That might help diagnose the issue?


  • For posterity, the answer is: yes the steps I listed are sufficient, I had just accidentally created the NS record in the wrong hosted zone.