I have a string inside variable a contains double quotation inside double quotations :
Input :
a = ""comment_text": "Siti Sa"diah I need this for my neighbor needs""
Expected result :
a = ""comment_text": "Siti Sadiah I need this for my neighbor needs""
I tried using
re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z]', '', a)
and I also tried this one:
re.sub('"', '', a)
but it resulting like this :
and this
comment_text: Siti Sadiah I need this for my neighbor needs
I want to delete double quotation(") only if it between alphabets.
I'm using python for this one. Is anyone could find a way to solve this issue ?
Thanks a lot!
re.sub(r'(\w)"(\w)', r'\1\2', df['comment'])
for any word character around "