I wrote a small KStreams Processor using Spring Cloud Stream - https://github.com/sandeep540/kafka-streams-spring3-cloud-java17
Here I am reading from Kafka Topic "input-topic" with 5 Partitions, processing it and sending it to another topic
When I run the program , I only see 1 thread for all 5 partitions, inspite of providing partition properties in application.yml
My requirement is to have 5 threads running (1 for each Partition), what is that I am missing, any help here is appreciated
You can configure the number of stream threads using the num.stream.threads
This specifies the number of stream threads in an instance of the Kafka Streams application. The stream processing code runs in these threads. For more info about the Kafka Streams threading model, see Threading Model.
For more information, see Confluent's excellent documentation on the Kafka Streams threading model.