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Migration fron Oracle DB to Postgesql Hierarchical Queries

I'm doing of migrate of Oracle DB to PosgreSQL. I have such a Hierarchical query, like below. I did easier hierarchical queries with success. But I can't do this query. Can Anybody help to make a queries for PostgreSQL?

Oracle query:

select count(*) cnt
from   list nl,
       parts spl
where  nl.month     = Month_
and    nl.year      = Year_
and    nl.date_del  is null
and     =
and    nl.dep_owner = dep_owner_
and    nl.dep_id in ( select d.dep_id
                      from departments d
                      connect bt prior d.dep_id = d.parent_id
                      start with d.dep_id = dep_id_)
connect by prior = spl.parent_id
start with spl.index = trim(part_index_)

Postgres query:

 WITH RECURSIVE cteroot AS (SELECT count(*) AS cnt
                       FROM parts spl
                       LEFT JOIN list nl ON spl."ID" = nl."ID"
                       where nl."MONTH"= Month_
                       and nl."YEAR" = Year_
                       and nl."DATE_DEL" is null
                       and nl."DEP_OWNER" = dep_owner_
                       and nl."DEP_ID" IN (WITH RECURSIVE cte AS (SELECT "DEP_ID"
                                           FROM departments
                                           where "DEP_ID"= dep_id_
                                           SELECT d."DEP_ID"
                                           FROM departments d
                                           JOIN cte ON d."PARENT_ID"= cte."DEP_ID")
                                           SELECT "DEP_ID"
                                           FROM cte
                       and spl."INDEX" = TRIM(part_index_)
                       SELECT count(*) AS cntd
                       FROM parts spld
                       LEFT JOIN list nld ON spl."ID" = nld."ID"
                       where nld."MONTH"= Month_
                       and nld."YEAR" = Year_
                       and nld."DATE_DEL" is null
                       and nld."DEP_OWNER" = dep_owner_
                       and nld."DEP_ID" IN (WITH RECURSIVE cted AS (SELECT "DEP_ID"
                                                                    FROM departments dt
                                                   where dt."DEP_ID"= dep_id_
                                                   SELECT td."DEP_ID"
                                                   FROM departments td
                                                   JOIN cted ON td."PARENT_ID"= cted."DEP_ID")
                                             SELECT "DEP_ID"
                                             FROM cted
 SELECT count(*) cntv
 FROM cteroot)`

This code works but no correct


  • You are not using a LEFT OUTER JOIN in the Oracle query. Yes, you may use (+) in the join but in the START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses you require spl.index and to equal another value and that will never be true when an OUTER JOIN has occurred and the values would be NULL so the join can only be an INNER JOIN.

    Therefore, your Oracle query is effectively:

    SELECT COUNT(*) cnt
    FROM   list l
           INNER JOIN parts p
           ON ( = )
    WHERE  l.month     = Month_
    AND    l.year      = Year_
    AND    l.date_del  IS NULL
    AND    l.dep_owner = dep_owner_
    AND    l.dep_id IN ( SELECT d.dep_id
                         FROM   departments d
                         CONNECT BY PRIOR d.dep_id = d.parent_id
                         START WITH d.dep_id = dep_id_ )
    CONNECT BY PRIOR = p.parent_id
    START WITH p.index = trim(part_index_)

    At the least, you need to change your LEFT JOINs to INNER JOINs.

    You also do not join the main recursive sub-query factoring clause (CTE) to itself to make it recursive.

    You want something like (untested as you have not shared any sample data):

      FROM   departments
      WHERE  "DEP_ID"= dep_id_
      SELECT d."DEP_ID"
      FROM   departments d
             INNER JOIN depts p ON d."PARENT_ID" = p."DEP_ID"
    recursive_parts AS (
      SELECT p."ID" 
      FROM   list l
             INNER JOIN parts p
             ON p."ID" = l."ID"
      WHERE  l."MONTH"     = Month_
      AND    l."YEAR"      = Year_
      AND    l."DATE_DEL"  IS NULL
      AND    l."DEP_OWNER" = dep_owner_
      AND    l."DEP_ID"    IN ( SELECT "DEP_ID" FROM depts )
      AND    p."INDEX" = TRIM(part_index_)
      SELECT p."ID"
      FROM   list l
             INNER JOIN parts p
             ON p."ID" = l."ID"
             INNER JOIN recursive_parts r
             ON r."ID" = p."PARENT_ID"
      WHERE  l."MONTH"     = Month_
      AND    l."YEAR"      = Year_
      AND    l."DATE_DEL"  IS NULL
      AND    l."DEP_OWNER" = dep_owner_
      AND    l."DEP_ID"    IN ( SELECT "DEP_ID" FROM depts )
    SELECT count(*) cntv
    FROM   recursive_parts