Now that I am able to get user info from 365 ( see previous question here Get user info from Microsoft.graph in ASP.NET Webforms )
I am now having problems getting calendar events.
It would appear that no matter which user I chooose, i only get 10 events? Unless I'm calling the calendar events the wrong way. I suspect that the ODataNextLink has something to do with it (see red portion)
Is there a way I can set the result page to like 100 or something?
Or better yet is there a way to ask it to give me a specific date?
I will really only ever need to grab 1 day at any given time
I suspect there is some kind of options parameters I can pass for this
Any help is appreciated
ANSWER: Thanks for the help!! I found more documentation here
below is the correct code to get calendar events for a given user:
var ewsScopes = new string[] { "" };
var clientSecCred = new ClientSecretCredential(TenantID1, ClientID1, ClientSecret1);
var GraphClient1 = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecCred, ewsScopes);
var user2 = await GraphClient1.Users[UserToGet].CalendarView.GetAsync(
requestConfiguration =>
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.StartDateTime =
//get the end of the day
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.EndDateTime =
//get the top 100 items
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.Top = 100;
foreach (var ev1 in user2.Value)
lblDates.Text = lblDates.Text + "
" + ev1.Start.DateTime + " " + ev1.Subject;
You can specify how many events will be returned by $top
query parameter.
await _client.Users["{user_id}"].Calendar.Events.GetAsync(x =>
x.QueryParameters.Top = 50;
If you want to get events for specific time range you can call CalendarView
await _client.Users["{user_id}"].CalendarView.GetAsync(x =>
x.QueryParameters.Top = 50;
x.QueryParameters.StartDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss");
x.QueryParameters.EndDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss");
CalendarView returns the occurrences, exceptions and single instances of events in a calendar view defined by a time range.
Calendar.Events returns the list of events contains single instance meetings and series masters.