I'm using ffmpeg to scale, rotate and overlay an image on a video. I'm able to rotate the image by the desired angle but the overlay ends up being moved both vertically and horizontally from the expected position.
The commands I've tried and their corresponding outputs are shown below. Command 1 gives the expected output, 2 and 3 do not.
How can I modify my commands in general, to rotate the overlay image around the image center, to get the expected output?
ffmpeg -i graphpaper.mp4 -i arrow.png -y -filter_complex [1:v]scale=w=364:h=370[overlay0];[overlay0]rotate=a=0:c=none:ow=rotw(0):oh=roth(0)[rotate0];[0:v][rotate0]overlay=x=419:y=168[output0] -map [output0] sample-overlay-on-graph-paper.mp4
ffmpeg -i graphpaper.mp4 -i arrow.png -y -filter_complex [1:v]scale=w=364:h=370[overlay0];[overlay0]rotate=a=0.8017360589297406:c=none:ow=rotw(0.8017360589297406):oh=roth(0.8017360589297406)[rotate0];[0:v][rotate0]overlay=x=419:y=168[output0] -map [output0] sample-overlay-on-graph-paper.mp4
ffmpeg -i graphpaper.mp4 -i arrow.png -y -filter_complex [1:v]scale=w=364:h=370[overlay0];[overlay0]rotate=a=5.493783719179012:c=none:ow=rotw(5.493783719179012):oh=roth(5.493783719179012)[rotate0];[0:v][rotate0]overlay=x=419:y=168[output0] -map [output0] sample-overlay-on-graph-paper.mp4
Links to input files:
create graphpaper
ffmpeg -lavfi "
" -c:v ffv1 -g 1 "graphpaper.mkv"
create arrow.png
ffmpeg -lavfi "
" -frames 1 "arrow.png"
overlay 2 times with different angles
ffmpeg -i graphpaper.mkv -i arrow.png -filter_complex "
" out.mp4
300 and 200 are position of the center of rotation of the image