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pythonpython-3.xdiscord.pybots music bot AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'play'

hey guys im a beginner programmer. I’m currently working on a music bot

I am able too make the boat join the voice channel leave etc, just coming down to playing the music everything seems to work okay but then it spits me out this error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'play' after a bit of research i'm still quite stuck and managed to solve some errors before hand but this error has had me researching etc for a while, if anyone has a bit more information would be great thank you.

i tried researching seeing if anyone has solved this problem before

@bot.command(name='playy', help='This command pauses the song')
async def playyt(ctx, url):
    song_there = os.path.isfile("song.mp3")
        if song_there:
    except PermissionError:
        em8 = discord.Embed(title = "Music Is Currently Playing", description = 'Please wait for the current playing music to end or use %leave <:_Paimon6:827074349450133524>.\nMusic provided by {} <:_Paimon6:827074349450133524>',color =
        await ctx.send(embed = em8)

    voiceChannel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.voice_channels)
    await voiceChannel.connect()
    voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
    em6 = discord.Embed(title = "Downloading Youtube Music", description = f'{url}\n\nPlease wait for paimon to setup the music you provide.\nMusic provided by {} <:_Paimon6:827074349450133524>',color =
    await ctx.send(embed = em6, delete_after = 2)
    await ctx.message.delete()

    ydl_opts = {
        'format': 'bestaudio/best',
        'postprocessors': [{
            'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
            'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
            'preferredquality': '196',
    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url])
    for file in os.listdir("./"):
        if file.endswith(".mp3"):
            os.rename(file, "song.mp3")"song.mp3"))
    em1 = discord.Embed(title = "Now Listening Youtube Music", description = f'{url}\n\nPlease use %leave first to change music.\nMusic provided by {} <:_Paimon6:827074349450133524>',color =

    videoID = url.split("watch?v=")[1].split("&")[0]

    em1.set_thumbnail(url = f'{videoID}/default.jpg'.format(videoID = videoID))
    await ctx.send(embed = em1)


  • await voiceChannel.connect() should return a VoiceClient that has the play method. Try:

    voice = await voiceChannel.connect()

    instead of your

    await voiceChannel.connect()
    voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)

    check documentation for further information.