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Text with background color and rounded borders in asciidoctor-pdf

I am trying to create some badge-like texts for my documentation, to highlight the status of some issues.

Here are some examples (jira issues embedded in a confluence wiki)

Example for a "closed"-badge

Example for "waiting for solution"-badge

I even struggle to find any simple way to set a background-color for a text in asciidoctor-pdf.

The most promising attempt was using a themed button-macro.


with this theme-section:

  background-color: #88FF88
  border-color: #33FF33
  border-radius: 5
  border-width: 0.5
  border-offset: 3.0

The result is quite close to what I hoped to achieve, however I cannot have buttons with different colors. Or is it possible to overwrite the theme-values in the *.adoc file itself?

Is there any other possibility to create something similar in asciidoc-pdf?


  • You might be able to achive this with roles.

    I have at the top of my .adoc file:

    :pdf-theme: my-theme.yml

    Then I have a file called my-theme.yml in the same directory as my .adoc:

    extends: default
        font-color: ffffff
        background-color: #88FF88
        border-color: #33FF33
        border-radius: 2
        border-width: 0.5
        border-offset: .0

    When I use it, I do this:
