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unable to find an inherited method for function ‘draw’ for signature ‘"bam"’

I'm running a gam in R and this error message keeps popping-up. I've loaded all the necessary packages, made the model less complex, changed the method - nothing seems to work. Has anyone had this problem before and found a solution?


m3 <- bam(occur ~ s(temp) + 
        # sal + 
        s(DO) + 
        sed_depth + 
        # water_depth + 
        ave_sav + 
        s(prop_sg) + 
        # prop_ma +
        Season + 
        TimeOfDay + 
        s(ToD) + 
        s(DoY, bs = 'cc') + 
        CYR.std +
        # Spatial variation
        s(Longitude, Latitude, bs = 'tp') + 
        s(fSite, bs = "re") +
      data = toad, 
      method = 'fREML', 
      # knots = knots,
      # nthreads = 4, 
      discrete = TRUE, 
      family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
      select = TRUE,
      gamma = 1.5)

     select = c(1,2),
     scale = "fixed")


Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘draw’ for signature ‘"bam"’


  • This seems to have just been a case of another package with the same function name of 'draw' stopping gratia from doing its thing. I re-loaded everything and it works now.