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How can i deploy Django app in a local network

I have a local network with 10 computers.

How can i run a django app locally, so that each of the 10 computers can access the app?


  • First, choose a computer to run the Django webserver on.

    On this computer, follow the tutorial on how to run a django webserver.

    For example: python runserver exposes your computer's IP address to the network interface. I would also recommend adding ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] to your config file so that django doesn't apply security rules to any visiting IP address. Note: If you have the IP addrs of the devices on your network, you can add them as comma separated strings inside the brackets.

    For example ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', '']

    You should be able to access the / route on your webserver now by typing in the IP address of your host computer followed by :8000. For example:

    If your host is running linux you can find its' IP by typing ifconfig in the terminal, or on Windows ipconfig in your shell of choice.

    You can also modify the /etc/hosts file to point yoursite to and then type in yoursite to the browser and it should be able to resolve to your webserver. If you're new to sysadmin-related things though, I would avoid doing this as it can mess up DNS resolution.