I need to integrating unit test for my app with Realm Swift. But it always report issue even import RealmSwift
has been added:
Missing required modules: 'Realm.Private', 'Realm'
Then I tried to add Realm
& realmSwift
in "Build Phase/Link Binary With Libraries", but it crashes directly with error report:
Class _TtGC10RealmSwift4ListC3AMA14ROOperatorItem_ is implemented in both ?? (0x7fdf040223b8) and ?? (0x7fdf040c8468). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Finally I found the solution on its official website https://www.mongodb.com/docs/realm/sdk/swift/test-and-debug/
But I'm using SPM to manage packages, not the local embed Realm
& RealmSwift
frameworks, in such a way, what's the parent path to RealmSwift.framework?
You can download a simple sample project that reproduce the issue from OneDrive: RealmUnitTestError_GitHub
This is a similar question on stackoverflow, but all answers are not work now:
"Missing required module 'XYZ'" on Unit Tests when using Swift Package Manager
And some discussions on Github:
Thank you very much in advance!
There appears to be a 'fix' for this so posting it as an answer for completeness.
The issue is a conflict and/or disconnect between the Realm Library and RealmSwift Library. The fix is to change the Linked Binaries in the Test targets