Upon importing this flake8 plugin flake8-import-restrictions==1.1.1
, I've notice this error appeared. I tried ignoring it by adding it to my setup.cfg file ignore option as shown below.
ensure_newline_before_comments = True
line_length = 100
src_paths = myproject,tests
skip= .gitignore, .env
skip_glob=env/*, spec/*
ignore = D413, E203, E266, E501, E711, F401, F403, I2041, W503
max-line-length = 100
max-complexity = 18
application-import-names = myproject,tests
import-order-style = google
exclude = tests/integration/.env.shadow, env
max-line-length = 100
disable = C0330, C0326
However, flake8 appears to not like this ignore option:
File "/Users/gree030/Workspace/myproject/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flake8/options/config.py", line 131, in parse_config
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Error code 'I2041' supplied to 'ignore' option does not match '^[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9]{0,3}$'
Of course to not see this error would mean I would have to uninstall the plugin. However, I would really like to use this flake8 plugin. How can this be resolved?
flake8 does not support 4 digit codes -- before this used to silently "work" but would fail in many situations surprisingly.
in flake8 6.0 the silent failure was upgraded to a noisy failure. the plugin in question should adapt its error code structure to match the expected code structure (usually 1-3 letters followed by 3 numbers)
this is a problem with that particular plugin and not with flake8 itself
disclaimer: I'm the flake8 maintainer