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How to access a web component located inside a child component

The parent component include this on its template:

<six-drawer label="Notificaciones" class="notifications">
 <mur-notification-dialog (newEmision)="listenNewEmision($event)"></mur-notification-dialog>
 <six-button slot="footer" class="open-all-notifications-button" (click)="openNotifications()">
  Ver todas las notificaciones

From parent component I need to check if six-drawer property open is true or not.


  • You could use a local reference to six-drawer in the template HTML and handle the open property like the following:

    export class SixDrawerComponent {
       open = false;
       isValid!: boolean;
       makeItValid(): void {
          this.isValid = true;
    <six-drawer #sixDrawer label="Notificaciones" class="notifications">
      <p>is six drawer open? {{ }}</p>
      <p>is six drawer valid? {{ sixDrawer.isValid }}</p>
      <button (click)="sixDrawer.makeItValid()">Make it valid</button>

    Also, you could use ViewChild in order to handle the child programmatically like the following:

    <six-drawer #sixDrawer label="Notificaciones" class="notifications">
    export class ParentComponent {
      @ViewChild('sixDrawer') sixDrawer!: SixDrawerComponent;
      someEvent(): void {
        const isOpen =; 
        // and then access the rest of the child component