I've made a table for my data, and it turned out to be very long, I need to scroll down (in the plot window) to see all of it, so I cant crop it and its not working to save it as a picture using ggsave
. I need the font to be big so I can't make it smaller.
This is the code:
phto = kable(features_table) %>% kable_styling(latex_options = "striped", font_size = 25)
It turned out to be something like this:
How can I save the whole table in a pdf or an image to see it all without scrolling?
It is a kableExtra object, not a ggplot object, use save_kable:
kk <- kable(mtcars) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = "striped", font_size = 25)
#We might need to install PhantomJS:
save_kable(kk, "x.pdf")