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How to parse LINKS with SPACES in TEXT?

I need to parse text with links from textarea and split It by NewLines and Spaces. But there is a problem if the link to the file contains spaces in the file name. (1).jpg

Links in textarea may be in newlines:

or with 1 space

or combinations of newlines and spaces

My Code:

var linksArr = [];
var text = $("textarea[name=fileslist]").val();
if (text != undefined) {
   text = text.trim(); // remove spaces from start and end of text
   if (text != '') {
      text = text.split("\n"); // split by NEW LINE
      if (Array.isArray(text) && text.length) {
         for (var a = 0; a < text.length; a++) {
            var tLine = text[a].trim(); // trim again
            if (tLine != '') {
               tLine = tLine.replace(/\s+/g, '\n'); // replace spaces by New Line
               var listLines= tLine.split("\n"); // and splin by New Line Again
               if (Array.isArray(listLines) && listLines.length) {
                  // PROBLEM IS HERE
                  // push to array

Also I try to encodeURI(text) but then there is a problem with replacing spaces between links on the same line (

Can you help with optimal solution?


  • You can split by whitespaces and concat the resulting array into the array where you collect your links into:

    function parse() {
        var linksArr = [];
        for (let element of document.querySelectorAll("textarea[name=fileslist]")) {
            let newArray = element.value.split(/\s/).filter(item => item);
            let newItem = "";
            for (let item of newArray) {
                if (newItem === "") {
                    newItem = item;
                } else if (item.indexOf("://") < 0) {
                    newItem += item;
                } else {
                    newItem = item;
            if (newItem) linksArr.push(newItem);
    <textarea name="fileslist">http://a.b.c  http://d.e.f</textarea>
    <textarea name="fileslist">http://g.h.i
    <textarea name="fileslist">http://m.n.o (1) http://p.q.r (2)</textarea>
    <input type="button" value="Parse" onclick="parse()">


    • I have provided three textareas with the specified name to have two distinct examples
    • I'm looping them
    • for each textarea
      • I split it by whitespaces
      • filter the result to remove empty items
      • looping the filtered array
        • if we do not have a current link yet, then we set the item to our current link
        • else if we do not have :// in our substring, then we append our current link
        • else we push the just ended link to linkArr and set our current chunk as our current link
      • when the loop completes, we push any remaining link if we did not do so already