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Azure Artifacts download failure

I'm trying to create Azure DevOps Pipeline template as to download wheel file from Azure Artifacts. This method is working successfully when we are trying to give version like version: 'latest' if we give specific version like version: '1.0.0' then it failed with error. As per Microsoft Documentation for DownloadPackage@1 I have given everything as expected. But not sure what is happening internally.

Could anyone help me out what is happening here

  - task: DownloadPackage@1
    displayName: "[DOWNLOAD] - ${{ parameters.packageName }}-${{ parameters.packageVersion }}"
      packageType: pypi
      feed: "${{ parameters.feedName }}"
      view: ${{ parameters.viewName }}
      definition: ${{ parameters.packageName }}
      version: ${{ parameters.packageVersion }}
      downloadPath: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)


##[error]Fetching package metadata using url failed with error Error: 404: null
at D:\a_tasks\DownloadPackage_randomId\1.216.0\package.js:67:31
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)


  • Actually It turns to be version parameter does not accept tailing zeros, if we give version manually.

    i.e: for the version 1.0.0 we should be giving 1 instead 1.0.0 then it is working as expected.