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Creating HuggingFace Dataset to train an BIO tagger

I have a list of dictionaries:

sentences = [ 
{'text': ['I live in Madrid'], 'labels':[O, O, O, B-LOC]},
{'text': ['Peter lives in Spain'], 'labels':[B-PER, O, O, B-LOC]},
{'text': ['He likes pasta'], 'labels':[O, O, B-FOOD]},

I want to create a HuggingFace dataset object from this data so that I can later preprocess it and feed to a transformer model much more easily, but so far I have not found a viable way to do this.


  • First you'll need some extra libraries to use the metrics and datasets features.

    pip install -U transformers datasets evaluate seqeval

    To convert list of dict to Dataset object

    import pandas as pd
    from datasets import Dataset
    sentences = [ 
    {'text': 'I live in Madrid', 'labels':['O', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC']},
    {'text': 'Peter lives in Spain', 'labels':['B-PER', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC']},
    {'text': 'He likes pasta', 'labels':['O', 'O', 'B-FOOD']},
    ds = Dataset.from_pandas(pd.DataFrame(data=sentences))

    Convert the dataset into a "Trainer-able" Dataset object

    from datasets import Dataset
    from datasets import ClassLabel
    # Define a Classlabel object to use to map string labels to integers.
    classmap = ClassLabel(num_classes=4, names=['B-LOC', 'B-PER', 'B-FOOD', 'O'])
    train_sentences = [ 
    {'text': 'I live in Madrid', 'labels':['O', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC']},
    {'text': 'Peter lives in Spain', 'labels':['B-PER', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC']},
    {'text': 'He likes pasta', 'labels':['O', 'O', 'B-FOOD']},
    # Map text to tokenizer ids.
    ds = x: tokenizer(x["text"], truncation=True))
    # Map labels to label ids.
    ds = y: {"labels": classmap.str2int(y["labels"])})

    To compute metrics with the labeled inputs that you have:

    import evaluate
    metric = evaluate.load("seqeval")
    def compute_metrics(p):
        predictions, labels = p
        predictions = predictions.argmax(axis=2)
        # Remove ignored index (special tokens)
        true_predictions = [
            [label_list[p] for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != -100]
            for prediction, label in zip(predictions, labels)
        true_labels = [
            [label_list[l] for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != -100]
            for prediction, label in zip(predictions, labels)
        results = metric.compute(predictions=true_predictions, references=true_labels)
        return {
            "precision": results["overall_precision"],
            "recall": results["overall_recall"],
            "f1": results["overall_f1"],
            "accuracy": results["overall_accuracy"],

    To use with the Trainer object

    import pandas as pd
    import evaluate
    from datasets import Dataset
    from datasets import ClassLabel
    from transformers import AutoModelForTokenClassification, Trainer, AutoTokenizer, DataCollatorForTokenClassification
    # Define a Classlabel object to use to map string labels to integers.
    classmap = ClassLabel(num_classes=4, names=['B-LOC', 'B-PER', 'B-FOOD', 'O'])
    train_sentences = [ 
    {'text': 'I live in Madrid', 'labels':['O', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC']},
    {'text': 'Peter lives in Spain', 'labels':['B-PER', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC']},
    {'text': 'He likes pasta', 'labels':['O', 'O', 'B-FOOD']},
    eval_sentences = [
        {"text": "I like pasta from Madrid , Spain", 'labels': ['O', 'O', 'B-FOOD', 'O', 'B-LOC', 'O', 'B-LOC']}
    ds_train = Dataset.from_pandas(pd.DataFrame(data=train_sentences))
    ds_eval = Dataset.from_pandas(pd.DataFrame(data=eval_sentences))
    model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-multilingual-cased",
                                                            id2label={i:classmap.int2str(i) for i in range(classmap.num_classes)},
                                                            label2id={c:classmap.str2int(c) for c in classmap.names},
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-multilingual-cased")
    data_collator = DataCollatorForTokenClassification(tokenizer)
    ds_train = x: tokenizer(x["text"], truncation=True))
    ds_eval = x: tokenizer(x["text"], truncation=True))
    ds_train = y: {"labels": classmap.str2int(y["labels"])})
    ds_eval = y: {"labels": classmap.str2int(y["labels"])})
    metric = evaluate.load("seqeval")
    def compute_metrics(p):
        predictions, labels = p
        predictions = predictions.argmax(axis=2)
        # Remove ignored index (special tokens)
        true_predictions = [
            [label_list[p] for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != -100]
            for prediction, label in zip(predictions, labels)
        true_labels = [
            [label_list[l] for (p, l) in zip(prediction, label) if l != -100]
            for prediction, label in zip(predictions, labels)
        results = metric.compute(predictions=true_predictions, references=true_labels)
        return {
            "precision": results["overall_precision"],
            "recall": results["overall_recall"],
            "f1": results["overall_f1"],
            "accuracy": results["overall_accuracy"],
    # Initialize our Trainer
    trainer = Trainer(