I wanted to know how can I set the app size to fit the screen size. Basically I have been testing my app on a big monitor(app size 1838x980) and now I am testing it on a smaller monitor and so now the app overlaps the entire screen.
In addition, if i drag my app across different screen sizes, the app changes size.
Is there a way to have a dynamic app size to always match the size of the monitor?
Or maybe a solution would be to show fullscreen?
I was wondering if anyone had an answer to this, but if you would like demo code I could write something simple.
Thanks in advance!
You can probably read out the screensize with QScreen.geometry
. This should hold the geometry of the screen you are using. See here.
If you want it dynamic the best way should be an event which detects the end of the movement of the window. Since the movement is, like @musicamante correctly mentioned, controlled by the OS/WindowManager, this needs to be achieved differently a differs from system to system.