I have convert PyTorch SuperResouloution (.pth) Model to ONNX model (.onnx) with code below:
import torch
import onnx
from onnx_tf.backend import prepare
from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet
pth_path = "RESRGAN_x4plus_Main.pth"
Model = RRDBNet(num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, scale=4, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32)
X = torch.randn((1, 3, 64, 64))
torch.onnx.export(Model, X,
and now I want to load this model into C++ and run it... I have seen many examples of onnxruntime for loading models but I am very confused. sample codes are very complex and not for Super Resolution models.
I emphasize I want to load the model directly in the C++ program (with onnx-runtime package)
I don't want to convert onnx model into another model format...
I have to load the .onnx model into c++ and pass the image into it and I expect to receive an Image from the model output. (model is a GAN)
You can upload ONNX model to C++ using OpenCV library.
cv::dnn::Net model = cv::dnn::readNetFromONNX("Model.onnx");
// prepare model input
cv::Mat blob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(originalImage,
// set model input
// get model results
cv::Mat output = model.forward();
// get pointer to raw data
float* ptr = output.ptr<float>();
You can refer to this code to find out how to load GAN model to C++ and create an image from raw data pointer.