In Django views, is it possible to create a global / session variable and assign some value (say, sent through an Ajax call) in a view and make use of it in another view?
The scenario I'm trying to implement will be something like:
View view1 gets some variable data sent thru' Ajax call:
def view1(request):
my_global_value = request.GET.get("data1", '') # Storing data globally
Then, the stored variable is used in another view, view2:
def view2(request):
my_int_value = my_global_value # Using the global variable
Create a variable in the (outside of a function) like this preferably using all CAPS
GLOBAL_VAR_X = '' # Global var
Then pass the value to be stored to the global like this:
def view1(request):
# Using "global" to declare it in the function where data is being received and to be passed
GLOBAL_VAR_X = request.GET.get("data1", '') # Storing data globally
Then, the stored variable is used in another view
def view2(request):
my_int_value = GLOBAL_VAR_X # Using the data stored in the global variable "GLOBAL_VAR_X"
print(str(my_int_value)) # Will print the value in the terminal