I was learning some basic cpp and I found out that we can pass lambda functions to a function accepting a std::function like below:
int someFunction(std::function<int(int, int)> sum) {
return sum(1,3);
I was confused as to how the std::function is taking template types as "int(int, int)" generally I have only see classes taking types like someClass<int, int>.
How do we define classes that take the template types like "int(int, int)"?
I tried declaring classes like
template<typename A(typename B)> // --> this just gives an syntax error.
class SomeClass {};
At first, your example should not compile.
int someFunction(std::function<int(int)> sum) {
return sum(1,3);
^ ^
| |
return parameter
So, calling sum(1,3) would require function<int(int, int) as you are passing two parameters and returning a value.
More examples
The structure is "return_type(param1, param2, ..)" for the function and the following
`[]` is used for variable capture (by value [x] or by reference [&x]) that resides out the function.
// takes one param and returns nothing
function<void(int)> print = [](auto i) {
// takes two params and returns the sum
function<int(int, int)> sum = [](auto i, auto j) {
return i + j;
// takes one param and returns with added 2
function<int(int)> sum = [](auto i) {
return i + 2;
How do we define classes that take the template types like "int(int, int)"?
template<typename T>
class Class {
void call(T sum) {
cout << sum(1, 3) << endl;
// usage
auto sum = [](auto a, auto b) { return a + b; };
auto instance = new Class<decltype(sum)>();