I wanna access one of attributes of some of my tree nodes and their name is like "image1,imag2,..." so I found globals cool to avoid writing duplicated codes; but using globals i couldn't access attributes; i new to python so yup I'm newbie.
this is my code:
there is errors:
KeyError: 'Image1.path'
i tried: print(globals()[f"Image{str(image)}.path"]) and storing the globals outcome in an other variable but its not how it works.
Step:1 ==> First retrieve the node object from globals()
Step:2 ==> Use getattr() function to access the attribute of the node.
Image1 = Node("I1", path="path", parent=Images, priceL=prices[0:12], fp=np.array([70,172]))
node = globals()["Image" + str(image)]
path = getattr(node, "path")