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How to configure os specific dependencies in a pyproject.toml file [Maturin]

I have a rust and python project that I am building using Maturin( It says that it requires a pyproject.toml file for the python dependencies.

I have a dependency of uvloop, which is not supported on windows and arm devices. I have added the code that conditionally imports these packages. However, I do not know how to conditionally install these packages. Right now, these packages are getting installed by default on every OS.

Here is the pyproject.toml file.

name = "robyn"
dependencies = [

And the github link, jic anyone is interested:


  • The syntax for environment markers is specified in PEP 508 – Dependency specification for Python Software Packages. I will show below how to exclude uvloop as a dependency on Windows platform with a marker for platform.system() which returns:

    • "Linux" on Linux
    • "Darwin" on macOS
    • "Windows" on Windows

    Using pyproject.toml:

    dependencies = [
        'uvloop ; platform_system != "Windows"',

    Using setup.cfg:

    install_requires =
        uvloop ; platform_system != "Windows"


            'uvloop ; platform_system != "Windows"',