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sign and saturation functions with drake variables

I'm wondering if there are equivalents to numpy.sign() and numpy.clip() functions that can work with drake variables? For example the following code gives me the error:

from pydrake.all import Variable
q = Variable('q')
u = 1 + np.sign(q) # Doesn't work
u = 1 + np.clip(q, -1, 1) # Doesn't work
# Pass u into the dynamics of a SymbolicVectorSystem

RuntimeError: You should not call __bool__ / __nonzero__ on Formula. If you are trying to make a map with Variable, Expression, or Polynomial as keys (and then access the map in Python), please use pydrake.common.containers.EqualToDict`.

Which I guess means numpy is doing some checks on q that is leading to this error? And perhaps if there is an alternate Drake function that works on Formulas this wouldn't happen?

I'm thinking a solution would be to use a port switch to implement the sign function, and saturation to implement saturation and compose blocks to feed into SymbolicVectorSystem. I was just wondering if there was something even simpler I was missing, and if this is the best way.

Context: I'm playing around with robust control and would like to implement dynamics and controllers that use the sign and saturation functions


  • We have min, max, and if_then_else, which should do the trick.

    from pydrake.all import Variable, if_then_else, min, max
    q = Variable('q')
    #u = np.sign(q) # Doesn't work, but we can do
    u = if_then_else(q > 0, 1, if_then_else(q < 0, -1, 0))
    # u = np.clip(q, -1, 1) # Doesn't work, but we can do
    u = min(max(q, -1), 1)

    We actually also have clamp in c++, but somehow didn't add the python binding for that more recent addition. It would be easy enough to add.