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referencing a MongoDB collection using @DBRef annotation inside a list of custom object(DTO) but refence value coming as null

I have a model class


which is like this.

public class AssessmentTemplate {

private String assessmentId;
private Date creationDate;
private String type;
private String status;
private QuestionTemplate[] coreQuestions;
private QuestionsTemplate[] baseQuestions;

This is having a nested array of object of

QuestionsTemplate which is like this

public class QuestionsTemplate {
private Question questionsId;
private int score;


public class Question {
private String id;
private String name;
private List<Option> options;


On querying question, option reference data is getting loaded fine

On Mongo Side-I have a collection of question and assessment template.

While querying data for assessment I am not getting data of question in JSON

need inputs where I might be going wrong. Do request if any more information is needed.

Disclaimer-data added in mongo is through manual JSON input and not through REST endpoint.


  • the issue was not at the java end but on the mongo-end. the place where I was referencing to question collection I was passing id as


    instead of that what worked for me is

    "question": {
    "$ref": "question",
    "$id": {
    "$oid": "640b87a5dd7cbc1dac84d65a"