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python numberguessing game

i was working on a guessing game in python and its almost complete. but the bug is that it keeps checkng the condition from the first user input even though I've reassigned the initial variable to a new user input. pls what can i do to fix it?

import random

number = random.randint(1,101)

print(f"the no is {number}")

def check(user_guess):
    global level
    global game_over 
    if level <= 0:
        print("you ran out of guesses...")
        return False
    if user_guess > number:
        print("too high")
        level -= 1
        print(f"guesses left: {level}")
        user_guess = int(input("guess again "))
        game_over  = False
    elif user_guess < number:
        print("too low")
        level -= 1
        print(f"guesses left: {level}")
        user_guess = int(input("guess again "))
    elif user_guess == number:
        print("you guessed right")
        return False

level = 0

def levels():
    '''assigns the level to the user'''
    global game_over
    global level
    print("Welcome to the number guessing game...")
    difficulty = input("enter a difficulty: Easy or Hard? ").lower()
    if difficulty == 'easy':
        level = 10
        print(f"guesses: {level}")
    elif difficulty == 'hard':
        level = 5
        print(f"guesses : {level}")

game_over = False

user_guess = int(input("make a guess "))

while not game_over:
    if check(user_guess) == False:
        game_over = True

this is the entire code ive tried calling the check function in different places


  • The problem is with this chunk of code:

    user_guess = int(input("make a guess "))
    while not game_over:
        if check(user_guess) == False:
            game_over = True

    Your code asks for an input, then makes it an int, storing it in the variable user_guess. Then, you use your check function to check the variable. However, you do not ask for an input again!

    Think about it this way. If I input 3, the user_guess variable is set as the number 3 and never changed again.

    To fix this issue, put the user_guess = int(input("make a guess ")) bit right before the check() function.

    while not game_over:
        user_guess = int(input("make a guess "))
        if check(user_guess) == False:
            game_over = True