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Rust error handling - why does this give different output?

I'm having trouble getting miette to give consistent output.

I'd expect the program below to give the same output whether I pass in "good" (which gives the fancy formatting I want) or "bad" (which prints a more debug-like error message), but one way I get things pretty-printed and one I get a much more basic message and I can't figure out why - what's going on?

(This is heavily copied from the this example - note there's on dbg!() statement at the start, it's the Error: ... output at the end that I expect to be different.)

use std::error::Error;

use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
use miette::{NamedSource, Result as MietteResult};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Debug, Diagnostic)]
    help("try doing it better next time?")
struct MyBad {
    // The Source that we're gonna be printing snippets out of.
    // This can be a String if you don't have or care about file names.
    src: NamedSource,
    // Snippets and highlights can be included in the diagnostic!
    #[label("This bit here")]
    bad_bit: SourceSpan,

fn this_gives_correct_formatting() -> MietteResult<()> {
    let res: Result<(), MyBad> = Err(MyBad {
        src: NamedSource::new("", "source\n  text\n    here".to_string()),
        bad_bit: (9, 4).into(),



fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    if std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap() == "bad" {
        let res: Result<(), MyBad> = Err(MyBad {
            src: NamedSource::new("", "source\n  text\n    here".to_string()),
            bad_bit: (9, 4).into(),



    } else if std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap() == "good" {
        let res = this_gives_correct_formatting();



    } else {
        panic!("Pass either 'good' or 'bad'");

In my Cargo.toml:

miette = { version = "5.5.0", features = ["fancy"] }
thiserror = "1.0.39"

Output from a session:

$ cargo run good
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/rust-play good`
[src/] &res = Err(
    MyBad {
        src: NamedSource {
            name: "",
            source: "<redacted>",
        bad_bit: SourceSpan {
            offset: SourceOffset(
            length: SourceOffset(
Error: oops::my::bad (

  × oops!
 1 │ source
 2 │   text
   ·   ──┬─
   ·     ╰── This bit here
 3 │     here
  help: try doing it better next time?

$ cargo run bad
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.03s
     Running `target/debug/rust-play bad`
[src/] &res = Err(
    MyBad {
        src: NamedSource {
            name: "",
            source: "<redacted>",
        bad_bit: SourceSpan {
            offset: SourceOffset(
            length: SourceOffset(
Error: MyBad { src: NamedSource { name: "", source: "<redacted>", bad_bit: SourceSpan { offset: SourceOffset(9), length: SourceOffset(4) } }


  • The "good" case produces an error of type miette::Error while the "bad" case produces an error of type MyBad. Presumably the former type has a Display implementation that produces the fancy human-readable output.

    Note that the ? operator doesn't just return the error in the Err case, it also attempts to convert it using Into::into(). x? is mostly equivalent to:

    match x {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),

    So if x has type Result<_, E>, the function is declared with the return type Result<_, F>, and there is an implementation Into<F> for E, the ? operator will transparently do this conversion. This is easy to miss, so it's understandable that you didn't catch it.

    If you replace the return type of main() with MietteResult<()>, you should get a compile-time error that the return types of the two conditional blocks don't match.

    You can fix this by converting the error value in the "bad" case to miette::Error:

    let res: Result<(), miette::Error> = Err(MyBad { ... }.into());