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i18next: Cannot load additional translations (yaml)

I have tried quite a lot to load an additional translation to my app, but somehow it doesn't work. I turned on the debugger, and it says that it's loaded. But I don't see anything translated.

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Tracker } from 'meteor/tracker';
import i18n from 'i18next';
import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next';
import Backend from 'i18next-http-backend';
import HttpApi from 'i18next-http-backend';
import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';

import Hosts from '../api/hosts/host';

const defaultLang = 'en';
const allLangs = [defaultLang, 'sv', 'tr'];
const options = {
  allowMultiLoading: true,
  backend: {
    loadPath: '/i18n/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.yml',
    parse: function (data) {
      return yaml.load(data);
  debug: true,
  defaultNS: 'common',
  fallbackLng: defaultLang,
  lng: defaultLang,
  load: 'languageOnly', // we only provide en, de -> no region specific locals like en-US, de-DE
  // have a common namespace used around the full app
  ns: [
  preload: allLangs,
  saveMissing: true,
  supportedLngs: allLangs,
  useSuspense: process && !process.release,

// for browser use http backend to load translations and browser lng detector
if (process && !process.release) {

// initialize if not already initialized
if (!i18n.isInitialized) {
  // check & set lang for user(logged) or host prefences
  Tracker.autorun(() => {
    let preferedLang = defaultLang;
    if (Meteor.userId()) {
      const handler = Meteor.subscribe('me');
      if (handler.ready()) {
        preferedLang = Meteor.user()?.lang;
    } else {
      const handler = Meteor.subscribe('currentHost');
      if (handler.ready()) {
        preferedLang = Hosts.findOne().settings.lang;

export default i18n;
export { defaultLang };

One thing interesting is that I have sv (Swedish) translation working when I set fallbackLng: allLangs, but Turkish still not... With the fallbackLng: defaultLang set; neither Turkish, nor Swedish comes as options in i18n.languages...

Help appreciated!


  • It turns out that the problem was due to parsing yaml files.

    In Turkish language, the grammar is often upside down comparing to most Indo-European languages. Therefore the variables noted, for example, as this in English:

      toThePage: To the page in {{ hostName }}

    would be like this in Turkish:

      toThePage: {{ hostName }} sayfasına git

    and the problem with the parsing with that was that when the value in yaml file starts with a variable definition, like {{hostName}}, author has to make the whole value field within string quotes for it to work, like:

      toThePage: '{{ hostName }} sayfasına git'

    So this was the solution to the parsing problem in yaml!