I'm trying to remove all user data from the persisted state, when a user logs out. For managing my state I'm using Zustand and followed this guide: https://docs.pmnd.rs/zustand/guides/typescript
I'm creating my store as follows:
export const useStore = create<Slices>()(
devtools((...x) => ({
partialize: (state) => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).filter(([key]) => !['session', 'isLoading'].includes(key))),
My question is now, how to remove all data from the persisted store, when a user logs out. I've tried to clear the localstorge with localstorage.clear()
, but Zustand sets the whole state when the next change at the state is done again.
I've also found the following guide: https://docs.pmnd.rs/zustand/guides/how-to-reset-state This guide uses another structure and honestly I don't understand what is going on. How can I delete all user data from the persisted state when a user logs out?
It is a piece of a cake. as the docs says about updating multiple stores in slicing patterns:
you create a slice to make changes in multiple slices :
import { createBearSlice } from './bearSlice'
import { createFishSlice } from './fishSlice'
export const resetAllSlices = (set) => ({
resetAll: () => {
then import this slice to your main store:
import { create } from 'zustand'
import { createBearSlice } from './bearSlice'
import { createFishSlice } from './fishSlice'
import { resetAllSlices } from './resetAllSlices'
export const useBoundStore = create((...a) => ({
and use it in a component like below:
export const myComponent = ()=>{
const resetState = useStore((state) => state.resetAll);