I'm trying to get the output (AppID) of command "powershell.exe get-StartApps", So I can use it for some other purpose of my code. But output width is truncated and because of this situation I cannot use full AppID and because of this remaining part of code is failing.
Below is part of my code:
import subprocess
sp1=subprocess.Popen(['powershell.exe', 'get-StartApps'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
key = sp1.stdout.read().decode()
The width of above code output is truncated, snap of output is as below
Additionally for information I tried "sp1.stdout.read()" or sp1.communicate[0] even I tried os.system to run this command and I got same output. I also tried to manipulate bufffsize, shell (True/False) and universal_newlines and have same output
could someone please help me to get rid of it.
Get-StartApps | Format-List works correctly for this
import subprocess
sp1=subprocess.Popen(['powershell.exe', 'Get-StartApps | Format-
List'],stdout=subprocess. PIPE)
key = sp1.stdout.read().decode()