Search code examples

How to search a string within another string which has spaces before or after for exact matches

I need to search a string within another string with exact match and without spaces in Python. For example searching string2 in string1 as below should be True (or a match, then I can convert it to True)

string1="car blue car"  
or string1="blue car"  
or string1="car blue"  


searching below should be False

string1="car bluea window "  

My string2 can be anywhere within the string1. I just need the exact matches. This also goes for digits. For example, below should be True

string1="blue 300 cars"  

but this should be False

string1="blue 30012 cars"  

Built-in methods like contains or in do not work because they find the strings eventhough they are not exact matches. Regex search might seem like the solution but I couldn't find a successful regex expression to define such a case in


  • You can use this regex \b{}\b to solve this issue, for example, your code can look like this:

    import re
    def exact_match(string1, string2):
        pattern = r'\b{}\b'.format(string2)  
        match =, string1)
        return bool(match)

    For example here

    • The \b matches a word boundary.
    • The {} is a placeholder for a string that will be inserted into the pattern. This allows you to create a regex pattern dynamically based on the value of a variable.

    Note: if you have special characters used by the regex, you have to escape them by re.escape():

    match =, re.escape(string1))