I have a class which will represent the **BadRequestResponse **and it will contain every attribute and the reason of validation for it and the number of attribute are not determined for me so I use Map<String,List<String>>
for representing each atrribute and failed validation reason
public class BadRequestResponse {
@Schema(type = "string" , example = "Validation Failed")
private String message;
private Map<String,List<String>> failed_validation_attributes;
and when i call API in case of failed validation it will gives me
"message": "Validation Failed",
"failed_validation_attributes": {
"lastName": [
"Second Name Should Not Be Null or Empty"
"firstName": [
"First Name Should Not Be Null or Empty"
and when i use this class in SpringDoc it gives me Swagger Screenshot
I would like to view example resonse as in swagger doc
"message": "Validation Failed",
"failed_validation_attributes": {
"lastName": [
"Second Name Should Not Be Null or Empty"
"firstName": [
"First Name Should Not Be Null or Empty"
Try below.
@ArraySchema(arraySchema = @Schema(
example = "{\"lastName\": [ \"Second Name Should Not Be Null or Empty\" ], \"firstName\": [ \"First Name Should Not Be Null or Empty\"]}"))
private Map<String, List<String>> failed_validation_attributes;