suppose I want to execute something once and only one time when SWR
fetches the data and it's defined.
const {
} = useSWR(`${process.env.BACKEND_BASE_URL}/resource`,fetcher);
usually, you would do this in a useEffect
with no dependencies, but in this case, the data is undefined
useEffect(() => {
console.log(data) // data is undefined here !!!
}, []);
Of course, if I add data to the dependency list, it will be executed when data
turns into a defined value but then it will also be executed every time data
changes in the future, which is not what I want.
I would appreciate any help...
Use a Boolean ref to ensure that the useEffect
is only executed once:
const effectCalledRef = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
// check if data exists and the effect haven't been called
if(data && !effectCalledRef.current) {
effectCalledRef.current = true;
}, [data]);