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adding subscripts to a character vector that will be used as a ggplot label

I see a lot of examples for getting subscripts and superscripts into plot labels, but I'm curious how to add a subscript to a character vector that can eventually be used for a plot.

Example data and plot:

 data.frame(site = LETTERS[1:10],
            a1 = c(rep(1, 7), rep(NA, 3)),
            a2 = c(rep(NA, 4), rep(2, 6)),
            minY = sample(1:9, 10, replace = TRUE),
            maxY = sample(10:19, 10, replace = TRUE)) %>% 
 mutate(label = case_when( ~ paste(site, a2, sep = ""), 
                 ~ paste(site, a1, sep = ""), 
                          TRUE ~ paste(site, paste(a1, a2, sep = ","), sep = ""))) %>% 
 ggplot() +
 geom_segment(aes(x = label, xend = label, y = minY, yend = maxY))

enter image description here

How can I made the 1's and 2's into subscripts for the plot?


  • We convert the label to latex and use TeX on that. DF is the data frame defined in the question, also shown in the Note at the end.

    DF %>% 
      ggplot() +
      geom_segment(aes(x = label, xend = label, y = minY, yend = maxY)) +
      scale_x_discrete(labels = ~ TeX(sub("(.)([0-9,]+)", "$\\1_{\\2}$", .x)))



    This is as in the question except we have separated it out and named it DF.

    DF <- data.frame(site = LETTERS[1:10],
                a1 = c(rep(1, 7), rep(NA, 3)),
                a2 = c(rep(NA, 4), rep(2, 6)),
                minY = sample(1:9, 10, replace = TRUE),
                maxY = sample(10:19, 10, replace = TRUE)) %>% 
     mutate(label = case_when( ~ paste(site, a2, sep = ""), 
                     ~ paste(site, a1, sep = ""), 
                              TRUE ~ paste(site, paste(a1, a2, sep = ","), sep = "")))