I am building stream lit app, I defined two function, sidebar, tab, etc. output of first function is simply a data frame, and output of the second function is chart. I get the error as follows. The error seems to be because of the second function
def func():
option_1 = st.sidebar.checkbox('x1', value=True)
option_2 = st.sidebar.checkbox('x2')
option_3 = st.sidebar.checkbox('x3')
dfall = read()
dfs = []
if option_1 :
if option_2 :
if option_3 :
if len(dfs) > 1:
df = pd.concat(dfs)
elif len(dfs) == 1:
df = dfs[0]
do something on df..
return df
def chart()
df= func()
plot the chart
with tab1:
with tab2:
with tab3:
The error:
DuplicateWidgetID: There are multiple identical st.checkbox widgets with the same generated key.
When a widget is created, it's assigned an internal key based on its structure. Multiple widgets with an identical structure will result in the same internal key, which causes this error.
To fix this error, please pass a unique key argument to st.checkbox.
The error is self-explanatory. You are having multiple st.checkbox
widgets maybe in one of your functions with same keys. every check box must have a unique key. If key is not set, the default key is None
all wiget will have None
as their key and it will still throw the same error.
check_one = st.checkbox("Tick", key="check_1") # key must be unique
check_two = st.checkbox("Tick", key="check_2") # key must be unique
In your case
def func(key1, key2, key3):
option_1 = st.sidebar.checkbox('x1', key={key1}, value=True)
option_2 = st.sidebar.checkbox('x2', key={key2})
option_3 = st.sidebar.checkbox('x3', key={key3})
dfall = read()
dfs = []
if option_1 :
if option_2 :
if option_3 :
if len(dfs) > 1:
df = pd.concat(dfs)
elif len(dfs) == 1:
df = dfs[0]
do something on df..
return df
def chart():
df= func(key1="8reh", key2="hdfu03", key3="ryyw32")
plot the chart
with tab1:
with tab2:
func(key1="wwr93", key2="rpt49", key3="rt40")
with tab3: