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Extract XML data in tabular format

I have an xml file which I want to extract data from. Ultimately, what I need is a table that shows the name of the node (i.e. NODE36 and NODE44) with the information in the tables (see the desired output below).

Is there a way to use regex or an XML parser to extract the data as a table?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <StyleMap id="m_ylw-pushpin29">
    <table border="1" padding="0">
    <tr><td>On_route</td><td>Mid Turnpike</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Recommenda</td><td>Continue to monitor.</td></tr>]]></description>
    <table border="1" padding="0">
    <tr><td>On_route</td><td>Mid Turnpike</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Recommenda</td><td>Not Available.</td></tr>]]></description>

Desired Output:

Name Objectid On_route Road_numbe Recommenda
NODE36 1 Mid Turnpike 54 Continue to monitor.
NODE44 2 Mid Turnpike 54 Not Available.

I tried regex to extract the data between <Placemark> and </Placemark> to no avail;

my_tbl <- rm_between(file_str, 'Placemark', '/Placemark', extract=TRUE)[[1]]


my_tbl <- str_extract_all(file_str, "Placemark((.|\n)*)/Placemark")
Error in stri_extract_all_regex(string, pattern, simplify = simplify,  : 
  Regular expression backtrack stack overflow. (U_REGEX_STACK_OVERFLOW)

I cannot get this one to work in R. Although even if I could, it matches the first occurrence of <Placemark> with the last occurrence of </Placemark>; see here:


  • Here's a method with a helper function to turn the HTML table into a data.frame. Basically we need to do a bunch of iterations and parsing of the HTML data.

    doc <- xml2::read_xml(xx)
    table_to_dataframe <- function(x) {
      x |> xml_find_all(".//tr") |> 
        map(function(x) {
          x |> xml_find_all("./td") |> xml_text()
        }) |>"rbind", args=_) |>
        (function(x) setNames(x[,2], x[,1]))() |>
    doc |>
      xml_find_all("//Placemark") |>
      map_df(function(p) {
        name <- p |> xml_find_first("./name") |> xml_text()
        sub <- p |> xml_find_first("./description") |> xml_text() |> read_html()
        bind_cols(tibble(name), table_to_dataframe(sub))

    Which returns

      name   Objectid On_route     Road_numbe Recommenda          
      <chr>  <chr>    <chr>        <chr>      <chr>               
    1 NODE36 1        Mid Turnpike 54         Continue to monitor.
    2 NODE44 2        Mid Turnpike 54         Not Available.