I have a data set with repeating date values within a quarter, I'd like to select the closest date to the quarter end.
Existing data
The output I'm tryting to acheive would look like this
DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(q, DATEDIFF(q, 0, d.Timestamp) + 1, 0))
AS 'quarterend'
From xyz.database
I'm not sure what the best way is to filter out the unneeded values, had thought about a datediff caluation after creating a quarte end date and choose min score in a having or where clause subselect but could not get that to work. Thanks
ROW_NUMBER can order the account_id's by the datediff between timestamp and quarter end date. Then you just need to select the first row.
difs as
select created_at
, account_id
, account_name
, Score
, dateadd(d, -1, dateadd(q, datediff(q, 0, d.Timestamp) + 1, 0)) as 'quarterend'
, datediff(day, d.Timestamp, dateadd(d, -1, dateadd(q, datediff(q, 0, d.Timestamp) + 1, 0))) as 'quarterenddif'
from MyTable
select *
from (
select *
, row_number() over (partition by quarterend, account_id order by quarterenddif desc) rn
from difs
) t
where rn = 1