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Get all work items where status changed in the last seven days

im trying to get all work items whose status has changed from "created" to "in progress" in the last seven days.

This is my current query:

"type:arbeitspaket and updated:[$today-7d$ TO $today$] AND status:inBearbeitung"

Is it possible to get work itemes where only the status field updated from "created" to "in progress"?


  • Polarion does not support queries to historical data. So it is not possible to ask Polarion via Lucene-query when a field changed its value.

    You can search through history via API, but this is a potential performance hole: The API will always return the complete history of the item in question. If you have 10000 commits on it, you will receive 10000 entries in a list (which you need to search through).

    However, for status changes there is an easy workaround: you can use the workflow actions to auto-fill dates and previous states (or anything else) into hidden custom fields. Then you can query those fields.

    There is a build-in function called Changed Field documented here to record the date.