I am trying to configure OpenAPI 3 for OAuth 2.0 with a configuration class in Spring Boot with Kotlin.
Even though I set oauth2RedirectUrl
in application.yml
, when I click authorize in swagger UI to get new token to send a request, redirect url doesn't work as expected and I get the default redirect url called something like that(I believe it's a default redirectUrl
): &redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/oauth2-redirect.html
instead of (what i configured in application.yaml
Access the Swagger-UI at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html?queryConfigEnabled=true&url=/v3/api-docs
Then click the authorize button and use the preconfigured values.
The IdentityProviderController prints then the configured values, e.g. redirect_uri
The redirect_uri looks like
and the swagger-ui:oauth2RedirectUrl
path is missing. Even when it is configured in the application.yaml.
I added the following dependencies:
and this is my application.yml
enabled: true
query-config-enabled: true
client-id: <clientId>
client-secret: <clientSecret>
use-pkce-with-authorization-code-grant: true
oauth2RedirectUrl: <redirectUrl>
and this here is my configuration class:
name = "oauth2",
type = SecuritySchemeType.OAUTH2,
flows =
authorizationCode =
authorizationUrl = "<authorizationUrl>",
tokenUrl = "<tokenUrl>",
scopes =
OAuthScope(name = "test1"),
OAuthScope(name = "test2"),
OAuthScope(name = "test3")],
open class OpenApiConfiguration {
open fun customOpenAPI(): OpenAPI {
return OpenAPI()
.title("ABC Service Rest API")
What am I missing here?
UPDATE: (17.02.2023)
After I am changing the redirect_uri in chrome with the correct one, then I can reach the Identity proverders' page, so I only need to find a way to set my redirectUrl configuration properly.
Adding redirect Url to whitelist of the identity provider solved the problem.