I am trying to display the count/number of files that was saved/modified last 5 days. In other words, I just need to know the count of 5-day old messages.
I searched google and it talks about using find
For me, I would like to use ls
I am able to count using ls | wc -l
but that does not exclude/filter files by age(last modified)
I tried -mtime +5
or -ctime +5
but still can't get it right.
Thank you.
If you want to find the count of files modified in the last 5 days (understood as last 120 hours) starting from the root directory /
, I would try:
find / -type f -mtime -5 | wc -l
The command wc -l
counts the number of lines of output. Error messages are not included in that count.
If you want to limit your search to a part of the tree structure, v.gr. your $HOME
directory, change /
by $HOME
If you have symlinks in your tree structure, you will need to add some options like -L
to the find