I need to perform a data transformation in ADF and I'm having difficulty understanding how to use the map() function in DataFlow.
In the input container, I have items with a format similar to the example below:
"companyName": "ExampleName",
"departmentManager": [
"supervisor": "Jhon",
"department": "Marketing",
"salary": "$135000"
"supervisor": "Emily",
"department": "Human Resources",
"salary": "$135000"
"id": "123456798"
I have a container in Cosmos that I retrieve several items and apply derived column and map() to transform the departmentManager column before sending it to another container. The output format will be as follows:
"companyName": "ExampleName",
"departmentManager": [
"supervisor": "Jhon",
"department": "Marketing",
"salary": 135000
"supervisor": "Emily",
"department": "Human Resources",
"salary": 135000
"id": "123456798"
As you can see, I am changing the type from string to long. How can I achieve this goal using the map() function?
I was trying to use the following approach:
map(item ->
"supervisor": item.supervisor,
"department": item.department,
"salary": toLong(replace(item.salary, "$", ""))
But I am getting this error:
I was looking at the documentation, but the example is not very helpful. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/data-flow-expressions-usage#map
There are two different approaches I have tried converting the salary value to long.
Approach1 using Copy Data/Lookup Activity of ADF and Cosmos DB query.
Configuration for Copy Data/Lookup Activity
Cosmos DB Query
SELECT f.companyName,ARRAY(
select c.supervisor,
udf.convertToInt(replace(c.salary,"$","")) as salary FROM c
in f.departmentManager)as departmentManager, f.id from f
Code for udf.convertToInt
`function convertToInt(strNum) {return parseInt(strNum);}`;
Approach2 using dataflow Here is the flow I created
Configuration Result-/Preview
Code for expression
@(supervisor=departmentManager.supervisor, department=departmentManager.department, salary=toLong(replace(departmentManager.salary,"$","")))
Result-/Preview Here you can see datatype of salary is showing as long.
expression for departmentManager column.Configuration