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Rust Error("missing field `key`") when deserializing to JSON

I already tried this solution but it didn't work.

I always get the error Error("missing field key") and want to know how to fix this.


pub fn get_user(id: String) -> Data  {
    let cache: RedisCache = RedisCache;

    let s: String = cache.get_str(&id).unwrap();
    println!("{}", &s);
    let user: Data = serde_json::from_str(&s).unwrap();


The id = 40:a3:cc:a3:dc:43 returns:


This output is correct but deserializing this String into Data gives me the error.

Data looks like this:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema, Clone)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")]
pub struct Data {
    /// Device's MAC address.
    #[schema(example = "40:a3:cc:a3:dc:43")]
    pub key: String,
    /// Data from a device.
    #[schema(value_type = Object, 
        example = "{ token: 2a256356, change: new, data: [ { dns:, mac: 40:a3:cc:a3:dc:43, src:, dst:} ] }",
    pub value: Vec<Value>,
    /// Indication whether task is done or not.
    pub done: bool,

I'm working with utoipa and rocket 0.5.


  • I fixed it by creating Data instead using from_str():

    pub fn get_user(id: String) -> Data  {
        let cache: RedisCache = RedisCache;
        let s: String = cache.get_str(&id).unwrap_or("Problem finding the user".to_string());
        println!("{}", &s);
        let user: Data = Data { key: id, value: vec![serde_json::json!(&s.as_str())], done: false };